tis the season

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Mean Girls

We're talking about things we want to teach our daughters... jump over here to start from the beginning.

Things I Want To Teach My Daughter: 
There Will Always Be Mean Girls

I think the one thing that breaks my heart more than anything is seeing women tear each other down.

Probably because it touches a nerve that runs deep. I remember all too well how mean girls can be and it seems that we just get taller and use bigger, sharper words with age.

My dear, sweet princess, girls that you care about and love are going to hurt you. Girls that you long to be accepted by are going to shun you. You will be snickered at and talked about. They'll laugh and point. They'll roll their eyes and talk under their breath.

And the reason is complexly simple - people who are hurting, hurt other people.

There is no easy way to navigate these situations. And there is no guarantee that it will get easier with age and experience. But one thing is certain, you will be stronger because of it. Don't let the pain harden your heart. The walls you build to protect yourself will become your prison. Love and forgive - over and over and over again.

And when you think you just can't - He'll help you do it again.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of the heavens. 

You are uniquely and intentionally planted in this great big world for a purpose.

You are the joy of His heart and the apple of His eye.

There is a part of Him that the world only sees through you.

The God that flung the stars into the sky thinks you are astoundingly incredible.

And so do I!

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