tis the season

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Five Minute Friday - Grasp

Grasp hold and don't let go. 

Those truths that your heart whispers - 

You have what it takes.

Formed by His hands. 

Dreamed up in His heart.

Put on this earth with a purpose.

Something that is good and right and true.

Grasp His hands that are reaching out to you and don't let go.

Go where He leads you.

Walk through the doors He opens.

When the days are long and the clouds settle in,

Grasp His promises and find shelter.

The most precious blessing about the rain is the time you'll spend under His umbrella

And the closeness that you otherwise would not have felt.

It's that time again - Five Minute Friday!
Take five minutes and give voice to your heart. No edits, no need to spell check.
Write with reckless abandon.
Upload your post at Lisa Jo's site.
The only rule - you must comment & encourage the person who posted before you.
That is, like, THE rule!
Hope to see you there!


  1. This is fun!! I am brand new... who knew I would find a community of fellow believers?! FABULOUS! Under his umbrella....

    1. Welcome, AJ! I'm so glad you stopped by! You've come into a wonderful community of women. A true sisterhood that goes beyond your screen and keyboard. I look forward to seeing you again.

  2. Grasping His promises and shelter today! Thankful to stop by.

  3. Love these lines:The most precious blessing about the rain is the time you'll spend under His umbrella

    And the closeness that you otherwise would not have felt.

    Such truth...blessed truth...Thanks, Jessica :)

  4. So true!
