tis the season

Friday, October 5, 2012

Coming Unglued

What a busy month October is turning out to be!

There are exciting changes at work with new opportunities to stretch my creative arms. I'm participating in Nester's 31 Days writing challenge on finding joy every day. I've also been chose to co-lead a wonderful community of women through (in)courage. My little princess Sophia has a birthday coming up and you all know how much she loves  party! I'm having to stay on top of my teenager a little more than usual these days, too.

Whew!.... I'm exhausted just talking about it. All of the above mentioned activities / situations, wonderful as they are, can leave my head spinning at times. And that is when it happens.... I come unglued.

Even the things you love and enjoy the most can overwhelm. I react without thinking. I come undone & unraveled. My emotions take over and I'm on a roller coaster of feelings.

That's why I was drawn to Lysa Terkeurst's new book, "Unglued: Making Wise Choices In the Midst of Raw Emotions". I had never heard of her and didn't know how vast her ministry is. I simply connected with the topic. And after I took a sneak peek on Amazon, I was sold!

Her words could have been mine. The "towel tirade" Lysa describes in Chapter 1 has happened in my house on more than one occasion.

"I know what it’s like to praise God one minute and in the next minute yell and scream at my child  —and then to feel both the burden of my destructive behavior and the shame of my powerlessness to stop it.

I also know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of unglued behavior and to experience that painful sting of disrespect that makes me want to hurt the one who hurt me. 

And the emotional demands keep on coming. Unrelenting insecurity. Wondering if anyone appreciates me. Feeling tired, stressed, hormonal."

Sound familiar? I'm a loving, caring woman, a loyal friend, a hard worker, a good mother. So how does this happen? Why does this happen? How do I change it? I am hoping that I'll get close to answering that question through reading this book.

You can read more about Lysa's book at the "Unglued" website. You'll find great freebies and resources there (along with the first 2 chapters). I'll also be creating and sharing some with you here.

If you are interested in joining the community of women that will be diving into this book and sharing our stories, we'd love to have you!

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