tis the season

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Patchwork Masterpiece

I love quilts! Love, love, love everything about them...

How each piece of fabric is beautiful on its own, with its unique pattern and colors that is different from each one around it.

How stitching those pieces together makes a something beautiful and unexpected come alive.

How the stitching is woven into each piece.

How it gets more comfortable and cozy with each wash over time.

As a body of people, we are much like quilts...

Each of us with our own strengths and beauty. And God, the Sewer of our stories, knows exactly where we will fit and which other pieces will compliment us and bring out our beauty.

Sometimes, I step back and try to see the work of art He is creating in all of us. And what I love the most is how He sees beauty where we can't and how the same strands woven in my story are woven into yours, too.

Lord, give me eyes to see what you see.

Teach me to look beyond myself and my needs and my feelings.

Show me glimpses of this patchwork masterpiece You are using us to create,

And help us to all see the brilliant colors in one another.


  1. Thanks! So happy that you stopped by... can't wait to begin working on the God-sized Dream Team and getting to know you better! :-)

  2. {Melinda} Jessica, I love the image you created here. It is so hard to see and have perspective when God is still stitching. Thanks for the reminder to trust the Sewer. :)

    Thanks so much for coming by my blog this week. Always nice to see the face of a fellow (in)courager! :)

    1. Melinda, I love your work as well! Thanks so much for stopping by, my sweet (in)courager friend.
