tis the season

Friday, November 9, 2012

Community Thanks

Day 8 - Thankful for community.

Yesterday has been coined "Worn Out Wednesday". After Meltdown Monday (challenges at work not handled so well) and Toss Up Tuesday (the culmination of the presidential election), Wednesday found me ready to lay low and keep to myself.

And then a phone call came from my son's high school that knocked me off my feet. Without drowning you with details, I'll sum it up like this.... Houston, we have a problem. 

I fell apart. I could not find words to speak, literally. When the dust settled, I physically collapsed in a chair. God knew I didn't have the ability to handle this situation on my own. He carried me the entire way through. And He strategically placed friends and neighbors around me where He knew they could be most helpful.

He does that with each of us. He brings us into each other's paths at a time where we can help and be a blessing to one another.

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