tis the season

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

Day 7 - Thankful for grace.

This morning is bitter sweet. The American Presidential election is over & I am happy with the results. However, I let climate of the situation get to me last night and said things that I'm not proud of.

Have you ever said or done something and instantly thought, "I shouldn't have done that"? I didn't say anything that wasn't true or that I would take back. But... you know how there is a time and place for everything? Well. it was simply not either of those.

The misconception that comes with writing about faith and being involved with a community like (in)courage is that I've got it all together. (Cue the laugh-out-loud sound effect. HA!) The reality couldn't be further from the truth!

My journey is a progression and every day I am further down the road than I was the day before. I'm not proud of my open-mouth-insert-foot moments. I am proud that I have the courage to recognize and acknowledge them.

You see, some days I still believe the lies.

"You don't belong here." 

"You aren't a writer." 

"You can't do this." 

"You don't belong." 

And some days, I play right into the Devil's hand - basing my actions and reactions on those lies.

The glory in all of this is that I am reminded of His grace and mercies. They are new every morning because I need them every day. And I know that He will use every one of my shortcomings to speak to the heart of another.

So, if you are beating yourself up today about something you've done or said - listen up! Lay down the boxing gloves and the guilt. Take responsibility. And let Him do the rest. His amazing grace is more than sufficient.


  1. Great post, Jessica. Oh, how we all need His grace. You are not alone, sister, and you are definitely needed here. Much love to you today!!!

  2. Thank you, Becky! You just don't know how much I needed to hear that right now.
